SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT | SOAP_COMPRESSION_GZIP, 'trace' => 0, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS )); $soapClient->__setLocation(''); $credentials = array( 'Name' => 'XXXXXXX', 'Password' => 'YYYYYYY' ); $utcTZ = new DateTimezone('UTC'); //all time realted values are expected in UTC $utcFrom = new DateTime('-120minutes', $utcTZ); // $utcTo = new DateTime('now', $utcTZ); // $valOffset = 0; $valCount = 20; //how many values should be returned in one request at most. Recommended value: 5000 $varOffset = 0; $varCount = 4; //how many variable should be returned in on request at most $variablesKey = array( array( array( 'IsKey' => true, 'Key' => 'DPGuid', 'Value' => '338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458' ), array( 'IsKey' => true, 'Key' => 'StationName', 'Value' => 'AAAAAAAAAA' ) ), array( array( 'IsKey' => true, 'Key' => 'DPGuid', 'Value' => 'CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5' ), array( 'IsKey' => true, 'Key' => 'StationName', 'Value' => 'BBBBBBB' ) ) ); echo "Reading values from: {$utcFrom->format('c')} to: {$utcTo->format('c')}\n\n"; $counter = 0; do { $response = null; $valOffset = 0; do { $response = $soapClient->GetData(array( 'credentials' => $credentials, 'variablesKey' => $variablesKey, 'utcFrom' => $utcFrom->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'), 'utcTo' => $utcTo->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'), 'valueOffset' => $valOffset, 'valueCount' => $valCount, 'variableCount' => $varCount, 'variableOffset' => $varOffset )); $valOffset = $response->nextValueOffset; $varOffset = $response->nextVariableOffset; foreach ($response->GetDataResult->Mvr as $varArray) { foreach ($varArray->Keys->KeyValuePair as $kvp) //the set of keys depends on the source of the data { if ($kvp->Key == 'DPName') { echo "\n{$kvp->Value}\n"; $counter++; } } if (isset($varArray->Vals->I)) { foreach ($varArray->Vals->I as $val) { echo " t: {$val->Ts} Interval: {$val->Ivl} {$valOffset} {$varOffset}\n"; } } else { echo "empty\n"; } } } while ($response->nextValueOffset != -1); //-1 - no more data available } while ($response->nextVariableOffset != -1); //-1 - no more data available } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); } ?>