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Mervis Proxy

Mervis Proxy service provides secure remote access to Mervis powered units via internet without any special network configuration or requirements(public IP address, port forwarding,…).

Mervis proxy is used in the following scenarios:

What you need to use the service

Mervis proxy is a part of Mervis Licence which can be obtained using the Mervis licence request. It's a unique random string which allows you to connect 1 unit to the Mervis Proxy.

For Unipi Patron and Neuron units, the licence request is included in the package. For the Unipi 1.1, you can obtain the licence request either by purchasing a complete set or by purchasing it as a separate product

What it cannot do

For security reasons, some configuration cannot be modified when using a proxy - like a network IP configuration and Proxy configuration.

Proxy URLs

You can find all proxy URLs on: List of URL for Mervis.