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FIXME → na celé stránce nahradit Gate za Patron (ale pozor, občas je důležité změnit i kontext)

Service mode

This mode serves for uploading or backing up the operating system, or for restoring access to the PLC (restoring the default password via OS reflash, changing the network configuration or enabling/disablíng the SSH access). Only the service web interface is available in this mode, all remaining PLC functions are disabled. This mode does not publish mDNS record.


FIXME → Pro spuštění v servisním módu je důležité tlačítko SERVICE umístěné vedle popisků USB. Fyzicky je tento režim indikován pomalým blikáním všech diod v horní i dolní řadě na sekci 1.

As the next step for both cases, enter the device's IP address into your web browser's address bar. Upon confirmation, you will be connected to the Unipi Patron service interface.

Upon opening the service interface, you can see a blue ribbon on top of the screen and four dialogue windows.

On the right side of the ribbon, there are two buttons:

  1. Run shell → serves for access to a console with limited options (BusyBox)
  2. Restart system → reboots the controller

Under the ribbon are the following dialogue windows:

  1. Settings → contains four buttons, all of them useable only in the regular mode::
    • Set on eth0 → sets the ethernet interface to fixed IP address
    • Set DHCP on eth0 → sets the ethernet interface to obtain the address from DHCP
    • Enable ssh → enables SSH access on port 22 (SSH is enabled by default)
    • Disable ssh → disables SSH access
  2. Backup → contains the “Backup to USB flash” button which creates an OS back-up stored on a compatible USB flash disk (if inserted)
  3. Software update → serves for uploading the OS into the device
    • A text field for uploading the archive.swu (containing the OS image) is placed directly under the window's label
  4. Messages → displays a list of performed operations

FIXME Dialogové okno Settings může obsahovat ještě 3 další tlačítka, pokud je na jednotce SW Mervis.

  • Clear Mervis → odstraní nahraný projekt, konfiguraci i webový obsah
  • Enable Mervis → spustí Mervis RT na zařízení
  • Disable Mervis → zastaví Mervis RT na zařízení