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Serial port IDs

It is possible to handle a custom serial protocol in Mervis using ST or FBD. To operate with a port using io functions (openport/writeport/getportstatus) a io.comhandle is required. That is well described in the integrated Mervis IDE help.

Axon series

Models S105, S155, M205, L205
RS485-1 RS232-2 RS485-3 USB1 USB2
Port ID6321011
Models M505, M525, L505, L225
RS485-1.1 RS232-1.2 RS485-1.3 RS485-2.1 USB1 USB2
Port ID63271011
Model S115
RS485-1 RS485-2 RS485-3 RS485-4 USB1 USB2
Port ID61321011
Models S165, M265
RS485-1 RS485-2 USB1 USB2
Port ID621011
Model M565
RS485-1.1 RS232-1.2 RS485-2.1 USB1 USB2
Port ID6271011
Model S175
RS485-1 RS485-2 RS232-3 USB1 USB2
Port ID6271011
Model S215, S515, S605
RS485-1 RS232-2 USB1 USB2
Port ID231011
M515, M535
RS485-1.1 RS232-1.2 RS232-2.1 USB1 USB2
Port ID2361011
S205, S505
RS485-1 USB1 USB2
Port ID21011

Neuron Series

All Neuron models share the same port IDs except the ones that do not have the additional RS485-2.1 or RS485-3.1

S103, M103, M203, M303, M403, M503, M523, M603, L203, L303, L403, L503, L523, L513, L533
RS485-1.1 RS485-2.1 RS485-3.1 USB1 USB2 USB3 USB4 COM1 (TTL)
Port ID678101112131

UniPi 1

UniPi 1 and UniPi 1 Lite
Port ID101112131